
The body exists in the universe, and the physical body is a part of the universe which contains the data of the mind in a physical form in the brain, which makes the mind a part of the universe.

  1. The physical body is the outer limit of the control of an individual in the physical reality we exist in.
  2. The physical body is not the limit of interaction in the physical universe we exist in, the body can act upon things which can further act upon other things.
  3. The body can influence the universe but never control it.
  4. The physical body contains senses of the universe, limited by the bodys nervous system and the brain.
  5. The physical body of the mind is the brain and the nervous system, the physical structure effects the minds limits and abilities.
  6. The physical structure of the brain and nervous system can effect the information generated to the soul via the mind from the physical body, based on the bodys input and processing of information done in the brain.
  7. The physical bodies interaction with the universe is more than the mind can record and more than the soul can focus on, sensing the bodys interaction is based on focus.
  8. The overall actions of the body is based on the focus of the mind and the soul, individual body functions tends not to be focused on, the overall goal is the main focus.
  9. There are processes in the body that the mind does not focus on and are automatically done for the function of the body.
  10. The body is in a universe with many bodies, each body contains an individual mind with individual experiences.
  11. The body can interact with the universe without physically touching it with the body, body language, the position of a body in space at times can visually create interaction with other individuals.
  12. What the needs of the body to function is not the wants and needs of the minds and souls.
  13. An input of a substance can change a bodys needs to function, this is not the original state of the body, and is ultimately not needed to truly function, this can be known as addiction.
  14. Imagination is generated by the mind and can simulate the bodys interaction with the universe, without the body interacting with the universe.
  15. The body and mind requires energy from the universe to move and function, starving without food is denying what the body needs which can slow actions and thoughts.
  16. The needs of the body can effect the wants of the mind and effect the souls experience.
  17. The body and mind needs rest, tiredness is a natural function of the body, sleep automatically restore the body and arranges thoughts.
  18. Heavily working the body can make interaction easier overall as muscles strengthen, excessively overworking the body can damage the body.
  19. Under working the body can make the body weak when activity is needed, making interactions more difficult.
  20. An individuals average daily activity provide enough exercise for that individual daily life, an individuals average day can change in activity.
  21. The universe and energy in the universe interacts with the body
  22. Energy is needed for life, freezing can slow the body, damage the body, and lead to death.
  23. To much energy can cause impact damage, can burn the body and lead to death.
  24. The body can store energy and converts energy into movement energy along with the energy for the mind to function.
  25. There are energies that exist in the universe that the body can not detect with its senses.


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